• icon(254) 742 559403
  • iconmoinyabohanse@gmail.com
  • iconP.O BOX 29 ISIBANIA

Monday to Friday - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Are You Part of The Moi Nyabohanse Girls High School Alumni Community?

  • Great! Login to our portal and get updates on the current affairs of the school, know the projects the school is currently undertaking, and find out the several ways you can support our school and give back to our Moi Nyabohanse Girls High School community.
  • If you are an old student and you do not have an alumni account yet, please click the register button to create your account and have access to our platform.

Our Alumni Community

Established in the year 1979, Moi Nyabohanse Girls High School has had more than 6000 students admitted in to the school over the years, who study through until they sit for their national exams and go on to persue various carrer path in their lives. These students are the people we are proud to call our alumni. On this platform, we are looking foward to reconnect with our former students, to know how they are doing as well as seek for their support, to help improve and make our school better for the current and the future students seeking to join and study in this great school of ours.

On this particular platform we seek to offer our alumni community an opportunity to do the following


Organise for mentorship programs where the alumnies can come and talk with our students to motivate them and tell them about their lives while they were still in the school and how it made a difference in their lives.


Contribute to our School Busary Kitty so that we can be able to pay the school fees of those students in our school that are needy. Our Alumnies can also sponser a student in our school if they are able to do it.


Get an opportunity to reconnect with the various generations of our former students that have gone in to different career paths and opportunity. Get to share experiences and opportunities that can help you be better.

School Projects

Know more about Projects that the School is currently undertaking, and if you are in a position of helping us complete the project, we welcome your help and ideas.