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Our School History

Moi Nyabohanse Girls High School Principal Default Image Male

School Principal

Our School History

Started in the year 1979, Moi Nyabohanse Girls High School has had a rich history, having been under several administrations and B.O.M governance. Please find more about our school history below.

The School History

Moi Nyabohanse Girls school is an ACK (Anglican Church of Kenya) sponsored institution located in Kuria West Sub-county, Migori-Isibania road about 4kms from Kenya-Tanzania border in Migori County.


It was established in the year 1979 by the then managing director of ART (African Retail Traders) Honorable Walter Mwita, who purchased the land for the construction of the first school buildings.  Later he incorporated other opinion leaders like Ancent Mang’are and Vincent Mang’are who mobilized the community to purchase more land from Mr. Chacha’s families.


The school started as a Harambee school under the management of the community.  Later, Hon. Mwita approached the Bishop of the ACK Rt. Rev. Henry Okullu, the Bishop of Maseno South ACK church to sponsor the institution.  The Church consented to the request. Subsequently, the school was registered in 1980.


The first Principal posted to the school by TSC was Mr. Eliakim Odhiambo in 1980.


The first BOM chair was Hon. Ancent Mang’are who was succeeded by Hon. Walter Mwita after serving for two terms.


The school was started as a single stream which grew to double streams then to the current triple streams over the years.


The first infrastructure was put up through Harambee spirit.  It comprised a small administration block, two classrooms, and one house for the principal.  Currently, the school has 20 classrooms, 2 laboratories, 1 library, 1 computer lab, 1 home science room, a 700 capacity dining hall, 5 heads of departmental offices, 7 dormitories, 1 sickbay, an administration block, and 9 teacher’s houses.


Below is a list of principals who have headed the School since its registration:

  1. Mr. Eliakim Odhiambo        1980 - 1988
  2. Mrs. Janet B. Onyango       1988 - 2004
  3. Mrs. Florence Omondi        2004 - 2009
  4. Mrs. Millicent Odhiambo    2009  - 2013
  5. Mrs. Anne Mosenda             2013  - 2016
  6. Mrs. Debora Amuka             2017  - Present  


The School's current population is 622 students with 22 TSC teachers, 7 BOM teachers, and 22 support staff.  The school has grown from a Harambee school to a district school to a provincial school to an extra county school and finally in the year 2015, was elevated to a national school.


The school enjoys the goodwill of the community, local leadership, and other chief stakeholders.  It also regularly receives spiritual nourishment from the ACK Diocese of Southern Nyanza.